Grandview ILC
What is the ILC?
ILC stands for Integrated Learning Center.
The GHS ILC is a program of excellence for the education of students with severe cognitive, physical, and/or behavioral challenges. Our goal is to assist our students in developing their intellectual, social, and physical potentials to the fullest extent possible within a nurturing environment. Students are provided individualized education guiding them to discover skill sets through authentic activities. Ultimately, our program strives to ensure that all students have a successful future in a complex and ever-changing society.
Curriculum Philosophy
We think of our curriculum as “what do I need to do from the moment I wake up until I go to bed?” Each year we will focus on different units of approach and concentration, but the overall goal of functional independence for each student remains the same. We will use many kinds of media to teach this curriculum. We may use a book, a camera, a computer, a stove, guest visitors, films, community experiences, a question needing an answer, or any other number of resources. In essence, we will use any approach we can to make the concepts hit home. We will weave in and out of the classroom setting into the Grandview mainstream, and into the community at large for our learning environment. Please also keep in mind that people do many of the same activities over, yet derive different benefits from each exposure. We may go to the same exercise class weekly, play the same music, talk to the same people, and yet we learn new things from each experience.